Michoacán style fruit salad or “Gazpacho”
Though it shares a name with a Spanish dish, it is nothing like the Spanish tomato soup we generally associate with the term gazpacho.
Morelia is the capital city of Michoacán, a central Pacific state in Mexico, where this delicacy was developed.
Gazpacho, like other fruit salads, is a common street food consisting of a mix of different fruits, hot sauce and chili powder. When the sun out and it is hot outside, your mouth is going to crave this, so please give it a try!
Serving: 2
Hot level: Low
1 cup diced pineapple
1 cup diced cucumber
1 cup diced mango
1 cup diced jicama (jacatupé)
1 ½ cup fresh orange juice
** Chef's Tip: Jacatupé or jícama is a crispy and sweet edible root, similar to the turnip. It is originally from Mexico. It has a paper-like skin and a whitish interior with a texture similar to that of a potato or raw pear. It tastes a little like green apple. You can find it at international markets that sell exotic roots in Europe. Alternately, if you cannot find jícama you can simply skip this ingredient in the recipe and still enjoy a delicious fruit salad that is worth trying any season.